SPOILER ALERT: This post will be using material from all three of Nolan's "Dark Knight trilogy" movies.
Just to get this out of the way, I love the Dark Knight trilogy. Ledger's depiction of Joker is my favorite of all the actors who have played the part. I even find Bane's voice... tolerable. I'm not hating on the movies, I just want to point out a major flaw in The Dark Knight Rises.
In Batman Begins, Bruce realizes that his parents charitable foundations aren't helping the city as much as they should. So, he decides to clean up the streets himself. He spends all of the first movie fighting the mob, but in the second movie, the mob is still there, under new leadership. In The Dark Knight, the Joker brings down the mob... by killing its leaders and taking over. Batman doesn't kill Joker, like Jack Nicholson. He saves Joker from the fall, and Joker is arrested. However, at the end of the movie, he takes the fall for Harvey's crimes so that the "Dent Act" would still go through and keep all the mobsters off the streets. Now, in Dark Knight Rises, we find that Batman hasn't made an appearance in 12 years, but it's ok, because the police haven't really needed him. We find that the Wayne foundation stopped giving money to a children's home because Wayne Enterprises isn't making a profit. Why isn't it making profit? Because Bruce dumped a lot of time and money to develop a clean fusion reactor, which he shut down because he read somewhere that ONE SCIENTIST had discovered a way to make a bomb out of a fusion reactor... which didn't exist yet, because Wayne Enterprises was building the first one, but that's beside the point. So, Bruce effectively lets his company tank, and somehow we're expected to believe a hero whose nickname in the comics is "Detective" isn't aware of this? So, when Bane shows up, Bruce's plan is to put the costume back on and go one-on-one with him, after having not done this for 12 years. Bane kicks Bruce's butt, severely. So, after Bane traps the city's cops, and sets free all the prisoners of Blackgate prison, what does Bruce do? He gets his butt kicked by Bane again in a one-on-one fight, only to be saved by Selina. Now, with all these prisoners loose, the city's cops dying in the streets, Bruce decides to fake his own death while saving Gotham from the neutron bomb. So, Bruce's plan was to become a symbol that criminals would fear, but he ultimately failed to bring down the mob, that was done by the Joker. He failed to defeat Bane, that was ultimately done by Selina. He took the fall for Harvey so a bunch of criminals would stay locked up, and when those prisoners get loose due to Bane (which includes Scarecrow and Joker), he decides to fake his own death and go overseas with Selina and start a new life, leaving Gotham to fend for itself with most of Gotham's cops now dead from the street fight with Bane's army (which were using Bruce's extra Batmobiles, so they had superior firepower in that fight).
Also, how did Batman not find out Miranda Tate was really Talia Al Ghul? The real Batman would have done a background check, and when he couldn't go back any farther, he would have done what Batman does and find out anyway!
Thank you Nolan for giving us three awesome movies, but you made Batman look like an incompetent jerk.